The Plan Assist Co

The Plan Assist Co offers Support Connection, Coordination of Supports, Specialist Support Coordination and is an NDIS Registered Provider, nationwide.  

The Loop Community

A real space between life's learning curves, where you can prepare and share every step, and find your voice with voices just like yours.

The Low Vision Hub

As a low vision optometrist in Ballina, we ensure that every Australian with a low vision impairment has access to the latest tools for low vision. We take a holistic approach to managing lives and caring for visually impaired patients. 

The Mould Doctor

The Mould Doctor is a privately owned company who provide expert mould removal services to residents of Victoria and New South Wales. Their professional team of specialists has been trained in mould removal and treatment services that are proven to effectively treat, eliminate and prevent the recurrence of household mould.

The Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW

MDAA aims to promote, protect and secure the rights and interests of people with disability, with particular focus on Culturally, Linguistically and Diverse CALD / NESB (Non English Speaking Backgrounds). MDAA views culture and disability through the lens of diversity.

The Multicultural Network

A secular non-profit independent community based and managed organisation, The Multicultural Network Inc. works to support, resource, and advocate for the diverse communities in South West Sydney to bring about positive social change and improve the lives of the most vulnerable.


The Neurological Recovery Group

Providing excellence in Neurological rehabilitation, The Neurological Recovery Group are committed to keeping up to date and utilising evolving research to maximise the effects of neuroplasticity, to provide you with high quality rehabilitation.

The ORS Group

ORS has been in the business of making a difference to people with disability and injuries for more than 25 years. ORS provides a range of allied health and rehabilitation services. Their service  is underpinned by clinically informed, evidence based and person-centered practices which empower others to reach their potential