Australian Home Care Services

Australian Home Care Services (AHCS) are a registered provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). They provide In-Home support services specialising in complex care requirements, and hospital discharge supports. AHCS also provide disability community access services, as well as aged care services. 

Australian Integrated Care Services

AICS is an accredited Social Enterprise with Innovative ideas to increase Community Participation and improve the well being of individuals through a more personalized care services. Our workers have undergone extensive screening test to ensure the safety of our clients as a priority.

Attune Hearing

Attune Hearing is a full-service “true” diagnostic audiology company, working in partnership with Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialists. Attune Hearing remains the only hearing company in Australia to be accredited under the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, and is a third party certified NDIS Provider under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Attwood and Garnett Events

The creation of Attwood and Garnett Events was the brainchild of Professor Tony Attwood and Dr Michelle Garnett to expand awareness, understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorders. 

AusCare Home & Community Care

AusCare Home & Community Care Limited (AusCare) is a national community services organisation. AusCare is a registered national Aged Care approved provider of Home Care Package Services and also a registered provider of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) services.

AusCare understands each client’s needs are different to the next person and letting people into your home is not always the easiest decision. Therefore, AusCare is committed to providing high quality care services to meet client’s goals, requirements and need. This provides people with disability a greater choice, control and freedom to empower them to live life on their own terms.

Australian Academy of Music

We're a family run business who love to help others learn music! Our amazing music teachers will teach and inspire you to want to continually grow musically. Our teaching facility currently teaches in excess of 400 students every week and we cater to all kinds, no matter the age.

Australian Allsports Evolution

We are dedicated to improving the lives of Australians through sport. ​We believe that everyone – regardless of age, gender, physical ability or cultural background – can benefit from participation in community sports. ​Whether it’s a child without access to traditional sporting clubs, or older Australians.