Cosupport Australia

Cosupport Australia is a national provider of Support Coordination, Specialist Support Coordination and Psychosocial recovery coaching for NDIS Participants.

CPL – Choice, Passion, Life

At CPL, we provide disability support for people of all ages, helping them grow beyond expectations, seize new opportunities and do amazing things with their lives. From early intervention, to education, personal growth and employment, CPL provides the solutions, services and support to help you create the life you really want.

Counselling with Lisa Cregan

Lisa is a registered Counsellor and Accredited Social Worker. Her background includes providing counselling, disability, and aged-care service delivery with State and Local government agencies. Although her expertise is in the disability sector, she love working with people from all walks of life.

Lisa has experience working with people of various faiths and cultural backgrounds, nationalities, genders and sexualities. 

cosy home care

  • Cosy Home and Community Care are committed to providing high-quality, individualised disability and elderly care services. They offer a comprehensive range of customer-responsive and client-focused services covering

Coptic Community Care Support Services

Aged Care and Disability Support Services.
We provide our services to the whole community, which means everyone.

We are an inclusive team and are welcoming to people of all religions and races. Our mission is to help everyone, regardless of their beliefs or background, and we strive to create a welcoming environment for all.

Cozier Care

At Cozier Care, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and professional support to individuals with disabilities. With a focus on enhancing independence and well-being. We believe in the power of personalized care plans tailored to meet unique needs, empowering our clients to lead fulfilling lives.

Continence Foundation of Australia

The Continence Foundation of Australia is a not-for-profit organisation and the national peak body for incontinence prevention, management, education, awareness, information and advocacy. With representation in each state and territory, we provide information, support and resources for individuals, carers and professionals.

Continuity Care

Continuity Care is a privately owned Queensland registered service company created in response to local community demand for culturally informed, quality in-home aged care and disability support services by health care professionals with over 20 years of experience.