Deafness Forum of Australia

Deafness Forum of Australia is the peak national body representing the interests of the 3.5 million Australians who live with hearing loss.

Declutter & Organize It

Are you overwhelmed, sinking in clutter, feeling “stufficated”? Too much stuff, not enough storage space, and tidying up just isn’t cutting it anymore? Help is at hand to navigate through the chaos and frustration of clutter and disorganisation. No judgement just an extra set of friendly helping hands.

Deivian Products and Services

At Deivian our mission is to put our partner needs and objectives first – it is the guiding principle over everything we do. We are committed to providing the highest level of care and commitment to our partners, enabling you to feel supported and independent. Ultimately, "making a difference" in your life.

Dejay Medical

Dejay Medical is a leading supplier of Wheelchairs, walking frames and Standing frames for people with physical disabilities.

Delectable Dietetics

Delectable Dietetics are Non-diet Accredited Practising Dietitian helping you to improve your nutrition, find joy in eating and make peace with food and body.

Decluttering Experts

Decluttering, Professional Organiser.Assisting clients declutter small & large areas - Garage transformations, pantries, wardrobes, entire rooms & or the whole house. Assistance with moving (packing & unpacking). Ordering skip for rubbish removal. House Audit & re-arranging for effective use of space. Storage ideas

Dare Disability Support

DARE is an NDIS service provider that enables people with disabilities to achieve what they want from life whether at home, work or in the community. DARE has been supporting people with a disability in the Blue Mountains and beyond since 1961.

Darwin Psychology Services

Darwin Psychology Services provide a range of professional services including individual therapy, cognitive assessments, relationship counselling and group programs. Their mission is to provide psychological services aimed at improving mental health and quality of life to those living in the Northern Territory.