Flintwood Disability Services

Flintwood is an extremely qualified group of industry leaders who care deeply about participants and their families. Every action at Flintwood is to benefit the lives of the participants.

Flourish Australia

Flourish Australia help people with a lived experience feel supported and meet their everyday challenges. Flourish want their people to live ordinary, even extraordinary lives.

Flourish Support Services

Flourish Support Services is a disability support provider of choice within the Northern Brisbane region. Flourish are an independent, family owned and operated organisation that emphasises a collaborative approach to achieve goals for all participants.

Flying Kiwi Fitness

Flying Kiwi Fitness has a passion to improve the lifestyle and health of everyone living with all abilities. The Flying Kiwi Fitness family of coaches and supports aims to accomplish just this!

Flonac Health Services

Flonac Health Services is a NDIS service provider, located on the Gold Coast.
Our team comprises of qualified and experienced Nurses (both Clinical and Registered Nurses), and support workers that are passionate about delivering quality person-centred care to our clients, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Flourishing Through Therapy

At Flourishing Through Therapy, Lucy helps participants grow into the best versions of themselves through creating connections between their emotional, physical and mental wellbeing; empowering each individual to strengthen their internal world. Lucy can provide therapeutic services to plan and self managed participants.

Fitness Enhancement Springwood

We are a mobile personal training company that provide one on one or small group personalised training sessions. We come to you in any location you prefer and we bring all equipment needed. We cater to all ages, abilities and disabilities. We have professional and friendly male and female trainers.

Fittech Studios

FitTech Studio’s is the leading specialists in lifestyle fitness innovation technology. Newly registered as an approved service provider for NDIS, FitTech are about to lead the Illawarra in an innovating approach to client care tailored to NDIS participants.