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At Opal Ability Care, we provide services for the following registration groups:

Household Tasks.

In order to maintain a safe, secure and healthy environment for our clients, we offer assistance with domestic chores all around the house

Therapeutic Support.

Behaviour is a symptom of causes deep inside our personalities and our past. To modify our behaviours, we need to address the causes first. Therefore, at Opal Ability Care, our focus is on identifying the reason and support each individual with a disability to identify their individual goals and work towards real outcomes. We work together with you to set goals you want to achieve. We do this by developing a personalized plan to help you achieve your goals. 

Community Participation.

A general sense of wellbeing is dependent upon how much connected we are with society through social interactions and participation. This is always good to try a new activity, meet new people and make new friends or just get out and about more. Whatever you would like to do is all up to you. We are here to encourage you and support you in every possible way. 

Accommodation and Tenancy.

At Opal Ability Care, we provide one on one support to assist participants to achieve their individual Accommodation and Tenancy goals. This helps the participants to overcome barriers that impact a current tenancy and/or explore and obtain alternative housing options.

We also offer the following products:

  • Assistive Products for Household Tasks
  • Assistive Products for Personal Care &

Our organisation supports:

Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Parents/Legal Guardians
Young Adults

Diagnoses and conditions:

ADHD and associated conditions
Autism and related conditions
Cerebral palsy
Deafness and hearing loss
Developmental delay
Down syndrome
Global development delay
Intellectual disability
Multiple sclerosis
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Other sensory/speech
Other – physical
Vision Impairment / Blindness

Service types our organisation supports:

Assistance with household tasks
Community participation/inclusion
Consumable products
Domestic services
Equipment and assistive technology
Occupational therapy
Personal care
Skill development
Speech pathology
Tenancy support

Our locations:

Sydney - Blacktown