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I am a sole trader and occupational therapist for My OT and Me. My main client demographic is working with women from minority groups such as refugee, CALD and of Indigenous backgrounds.

My occupational therapy services include: FCA, SIL/SDA, minor AT and minor to mid cost home modifications.

Our organisation supports:

Culturally and linguistically diverse people

Diagnoses and conditions:

Acquired Brain Injury
Aged Care
Cerebral palsy
Down syndrome
Global development delay
Intellectual disability
Invisible Disability
Mental Health
Multiple sclerosis
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other – physical
Physical Disability
Younger Onset Dementia

Service types our organisation supports:

Allied health – general
Assessment of home modification requirements
Assistance in the community with daily activities
Assistance with household tasks
Assistive Technology
Community participation/inclusion
Completion of home modifications (minor)
Consumable products
Equipment and assistive technology
Occupational therapy
Support Independent Living

Our locations:

Adelaide - East - Hills
Adelaide - Inner City
Adelaide - North
Adelaide - South
Adelaide - West