- ABN 39 603 218 130
- myhealthymind.com.au
- 15-17 Station Street, Nerang, QLD 4211
One on One Care.
1 on 1 care provides your child with a support worker to encourage and guide them with daily activities. This new offer is about helping people who require care to live their life as independently as they can.
Group Day Programs.
Day Programs are made up of small groups and run through the empowerment program. This program runs over 12 weeks which allows the children to grow their social skills, creativity and their ability to work in a group setting.
Respite Care.
Respite Care is located on the beautiful Russell Island. It consists of 1-4 children staying at a time and 1:2 ratio of staff. Everyone has a great time, learns new skills and grows within their own capabilities.
Our organisation supports:
Parents/Legal Guardians
Diagnoses and conditions:
Mental Health
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Service types our organisation supports:
Family counselling
Individual counselling
Other counselling
Our locations:
Gold Coast