Mindcare MHS provide services to NDIS participants and others with mental health conditions. Mindcare MHS is a NDIS Registered Provider. Psychologists at Mindcare MHS provide therapeutic supports, assessments and Positive Behaviour Support Plans. Mindcare MHS also works with people with mental health conditions who self-refer or are referred by their GP.
- NDIS Psychology and Counselling: Experienced psychologists offer a broad range of psychology and mental health services.
- Behaviour Support Plans: Psychologists help you understand the nature and functions of challenging behaviours.
- Assessments: Mindcare MHS provides a range of comprehensive cognitive, learning and achievement assessments.
- PHN Stepped Care Referrals: You may be eligible for psychology with no cost to you! To find out more visit out website.
- NIISQ and WorkCover Referrals: Mindcare psychologists can assist clients with treatment and care after an injury or illness.
- Psychosocial Recovery: They offer a range of recovery coaches to support people with psychosocial disabilities to live their best lives.
Our organisation supports:
Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Parents/Legal Guardians
Young Adults
Diagnoses and conditions:
ADHD and associated conditions
Autism and related conditions
Developmental delay
Down syndrome
Global development delay
Intellectual disability
Invisible Disability
Mental Health
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Service types our organisation supports:
Behavioural assessment and support
Early Childhood Early Intervention
Family counselling
Group/Centre Activities
Individual counselling
Other counselling
Personal Training
Recovery Coach
School Holiday programs
Therapy assessment