- ABN 61 168 152 869
- NDIS Registered Provider
- jeder.com.au
- PO Box 353, St Clair, NSW 2759
Jeder Institute is registered to provide a number of Capacity Building supports under NDIS. Our main areas of expertise is Coordination of Supports and Positive Behaviour Support.
Coordination of supports.
Support coordination assists participants and their families to implement and understand your supports within your NDIS plan. We believe in utilising informal, mainstream and community supports to strengthen and enhance your ability to coordinate your services. Our passion is to support you to actively participate within your community to create meaningful lives and citizenship. NDIS gives you the opportunity to take control and have real choice about your supports, we can help you learn and set up options that build your skills towards self-managing your NDIS plan.
Improved relationships and positive behaviour support.
Jeder Institute has a team of people with extensive experience in working with people with complex needs. We use lifestyle planning, strength based and person centred approaches to create positive support interventions to address behaviours of concern. We develop and provide strategies and training on implementation in consultation with people, families and supporters.