- ABN 89395773434
- imaginable.com.au
- Santa Cruz House, Unit 2, 56-58 Santa Cruz Bvd, Clear Island Waters, QLD 4226
We provide mobile service to people who work with an allied health individual or team. Our job is to help our clients achieve their therapy goals. This allows for more constant and at-home/ in-community support for those who need it. A Therapy Assistant will connect with your therapists to ensure homework and interventions are successfully transferred outside of therapy sessions. Your Therapy Assistant may attend therapy sessions directly, or they will connect virtually over the phone, email or video messages. An example of a session may be; picking a client up from school and taking them to an occupational therapy session, taking them home afterwards and using the advice from the allied health professional to help implement and enact therapeutic activities relevant to the client\'s goals. The next day, the therapy assistant may pick them up from school and then take them directly home and do a 1-2 hour session using the therapeutic outline provided by the OT.
We are able to support anyone who is currently undergoing therapy in, but not limited to:
- Speech Therapists
- Occupational Therapist
- Psychologists
- Counsellors
- Behaviour Therapists
- Exercise Physiologists
- Physiotherapists