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As a registered NDIS provider for over 10 years, Healthy Connections exercise clinic offers personalised health services for people of all abilities and needs.

Healthy Connections have established a team of experienced exercise physiologists who are specialists at designing and implementing interventions that are individualised to a persons goals and health conditions. 

The exercise clinic provides a friendly, inclusive and supportive environment where people can connect with others and be part of a community. Healthy Connections goal is to ensure that engagement in physical activity and / or exercise is accessible for all people as they value the significant impact it can have on physical and mental well-being.

Sessions begin with an initial assessment, where Healthy Connections will conduct a physical assessment, review your medical history, current medications and any limitations or barriers. They will also discuss your NDIS goals and set exercise goals. The Exercise Physiologist will use this information and work with you to develop an individualised program/treatment plan to achieve your goals.

Our organisation supports:

Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Young Adults

Diagnoses and conditions:

Other – physical
Physical Disability

Service types our organisation supports:

Group/Centre Activities
Sport and recreation activities

Our locations:

Brisbane - North