- ABN 58320909217
- NDIS Registered Provider
- www.goldcoasthealthperformance.com.au
- 15 Lake street, Varsity Lakes, QLD 4227
Gold Coast Health & Performance offers a wide range of services to suit everyone. Prior to any training, one of the team sit down with you and discuss where you currently are in your health and fitness journey and where you would like to be. It's during this initial consult that an exercise physiologist will aim to identify your own personal goals and vision for what changes you would like to see. Once they understand you as an individual, they will work with you to develop a plan to start taking action!
As Exercise professionals, Gold Coast Health & Performance understand the incredible benefit that exercise has on the body both mentally and physically. They strive to empower you and create a positive environment to support you along your journey through tailored exercise prescription, education, and coaching every step of the way.
Exercise certainly does not have to be burpees and star jumps in the gym, its all about aligning what health and wellness goals you have and the type of activity you enjoy.
Gold Coast Health & Performance currently offer:
- Gym based exercise and training
- Outdoor sessions the extra benefit of some sunlight and fresh air
- At home sessions where they go to you to save the hassle