- ABN 95 169 813 085
- frasil.com
- Level 12/111 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Frasil is the first technology of its kind, providing a voice for the individuals that need it the most. The app helps people living with disability better communicate, access the internet, and take control of their day.
Using Frasil, you can arrange:
My Day - Allows you to choose what you want to eat, what you want to wear and what you want to do
My Self - Allows you to say what physical assistance you need – “Please adjust my glasses”
My Needs - Allows you to communicate urgent, immediate needs – “I want to pee now”
My Feelings - Allows you to say how you are feeling
My Family and Friends - Simple and immediate access to connect to your family and friends by phone, email, Skype
My Shopping - Simple access for all your shopping needs
My Entertainment - Simple access to Netflix, Google, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Spotify etc
My Work and School - Organise your daily routine
My Devices - Simple access to assistive tools
My Gov - Simple access to government services
My Pension - Assistance to complete disability plans for government support
My Home - Control the devices, windows, doors, lights and appliances around your home
My Internet and Email - Simple access to Google and email