- ABN 31 667 507 173
- copticcommunitycare.com.au
- 12 Ainsley Avenue Glendenning, Sydney, NSW 2761
We provide our services to the whole community, which means everyone.
We are an inclusive team and are welcoming to people of all religions and races. Our mission is to help everyone, regardless of their beliefs or background, and we strive to create a welcoming environment for all.
Our services include:
- Respite: (Carer or family member respite for a short-term situation or when they need a break)
- Social Recreation: (Social outings or company at home)
- Personal Care
- Domestic Assistance: (Help around the home with all your daily chores including laundry, cleaning)
- Home and Yard Maintenance
- Supported independent living: (meal prep)
- Transport: (appointments, shopping etc.)
Our organisation supports:
Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Young Adults
Diagnoses and conditions:
ADHD and associated conditions
Aged Care
Autism and related conditions
Down syndrome
Mental Health
Physical Disability
Service types our organisation supports:
Assistance in the community with daily activities
Domestic services
Meal preparation
Personal care
Respite (Day)
Respite (overnight)
Support Independent Living
Our locations:
Sydney - Blacktown
Sydney - Eastern Suburbs
Sydney - Hills District
Sydney - Inner City
Sydney - Inner West
Sydney - Liverpool
Sydney - North Shore
Sydney - Northern Beaches
Sydney - Parramatta
Sydney - Ryde
Sydney - South
Sydney - South West
Sydney - Sutherland Shire