- ABN 54 617 948 231
- NDIS Registered Provider
- www.connectcfs.org.au
- 48-50 Oaklands Road, Hazelbrook, NSW 2779
Connect’s work spreads across a range of child-focused services and centres. They focus on children, and children whose socio-economic circumstances or disability may challenge their right to a fulfilling life The heart of their work is matched by our knowledge of what it means to be a parent; a deep respect for parents and carers; evidence-informed practice that acknowledges best outcomes for children; and partnerships with parents and carers.
Connect’s team is made up of a number of experienced professionals in areas such as:
- speech therapy
- occupational therapy
- physiotherapy
- early education
Our organisation supports:
Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Parents/Legal Guardians
Diagnoses and conditions:
Acquired Brain Injury
ADHD and associated conditions
Autism and related conditions
Cerebral palsy
Deafness and hearing loss
Developmental delay
Down syndrome
Global development delay
Intellectual disability
Invisible Disability
Mental Health
Motor Neurone Disease
Multiple sclerosis
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Other sensory/speech
Other – physical
Physical Disability
Service types our organisation supports:
Early Childhood Early Intervention
Occupational therapy
Speech Therapy/Pathology
Our locations:
Blue Mountains