- ABN 76645737426
- NDIS Registered Provider
- www.chatter-boxes.com.au
- Suite 7/68, Jessica Bvd, Minyama, QLD 4575
Chatter-boxes support participants and professionals in navigating their journey on the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Services offered include:
- Parent workshops to support client understanding of the NDIS
- NDIS Updates through our Chatter-boxes Newsletter
- Personalised 1:1 consultations to discuss the NDIS
- Preplanning Consultations with clients to support their application and preplanning conversations with the NDIS
- Preplanning Review Consultations
- Support for allied health professionals and paraprofessionals navigating the NDIS landscape
- Clinical Speech Pathology Assessments and Report Writing tailored to support participants in achieving their goals
- Individual and Group Therapy Sessions
- School based therapy for NDIS participants; Support for school administrators and teachers to maximise goal achievement for participants
- Parent workshops
- Support Co-ordination and Support Connection
Our organisation supports:
Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Parents/Legal Guardians
Diagnoses and conditions:
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other sensory/speech
Service types our organisation supports:
Speech pathology
Speech Therapy/Pathology
Support coordination
Our locations:
Sunshine Coast