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Our personal support programs are specifically tailored for people living with a disability to enjoy an inclusive and engaging environment.

Personal support – Assistance with daily living, Assistance with household tasks, Meal preparation, Supported independent living

Nursing - At Charter Care, we offer nursing home care services to ensure that our clients get the attention they deserve. This service could be a regular or an as-needed service. Having a passion for aged and community care, our Registered Nurses provide the highest quality of individualised care. Our nursing staff are able to work with your GP, allied health professionals and medical specialists to ensure the best outcome.

Transport services - As a part of the ongoing focus on providing quality service to our participants, we are provide a fleet of purpose-built van’s to assist with the transport requirements of our participants. The van’s will enable our participants to achieve more independence when in the community as it will provide flexibility and choice in the choices of activities our clients wish to undertake.

Disability housing service – Residential accommodation/housing - We have in partnership with the Disability Housing Centre brought online another high-quality home purpose-built for individuals with high care needs.