- ABN 41 618 087 988
- NDIS Registered Provider
- www.caringhearts.com.au
- 22-30 Wallace Avenue, Point Cook, VIC 3030
Caring Hearts offers a range of services to help people with disability of all ages and backgrounds who are committed to providing a comfortable and inclusive environment for clients to ensure everyone feels welcome.
Caring Hearts Home Care will take the time to get to know you, your family and the closest people to you. This is to develop a personalized care plan that is developed around your goals, needs and especially around your preferences. The Caring Hearts team will make sure that you’re involved in all aspects of your care plan thus being open to you to view your plan and make changes if required.
Development of daily living and life skills
If you would like assistance to develop the skills needed to get ready for the day, manage your life, and travel independently, Caring Hearts can assist you to learn how to manage:
- Showering, dressing, and other personal care tasks
- Household tasks including cleaning and cooking
- Life skills including budgeting and meal planning
- Travel and transport, including using public transport
Therapeutic supports
Caring Hearts Home Care provide therapeutic supports to help you apply or strengthen the skills you need to live independently, including:
- Language and communication
- Personal care such as dressing and grooming
- Mobility and movement
- Interacting with other people
- Community living
Caring Hearts offer safe, convenient transport for people with disability or health conditions who are unable to drive or use public transport.
If you need assistance to:
- Attend doctor appointments
- Visit your physiotherapist or other care appointments.