- ABN 77862846995
- NDIS Registered Provider
- www.bumu.com.au
- 25 Arrowgrass Dr, Point Cook, VIC 3030
BUMU SERVICES is a registered provider that supports people with disabilities. We are committed to, and abide by, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Practice Standards and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission requirements. Our vision statement: A world where everyone is treated as individuals and with respect. Our Mission Our mission statement: To be the first choice for people with disability. We aim to be creative and responsive to your needs and aspirations whilst embedding people in their community.
Registration groups: 0108 - Assist-Travel/Transport 0116 - Innovative Community Participation 0120 - Household Task To meeting our obligations,
BUMU SERVICES will ensure that: ● participants are at the centre of our actions and services (as per the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework), ● participants are informed and offered a choice in their support provision, timing and staff worker, ● ongoing communication is undertaken to inform and listen to participants, ● our staff are inducted and trained in their responsibilities as they relate to the NDIS Standards and Rules, ● staff hold the relevant qualifications, clearances, certification (including NDIS Worker Orientation Module), knowledge and skills currency, ● policies and procedures are maintained relating to complaints, incidents, risks, work health safety and human resources, ● all documents are current, e.g., service agreements, financial records, staff records and checks, ● current insurance policies.
BUMU SERVICES ensures that participants are treated fairly and take particular care when dealing with vulnerable or disadvantaged participants. Our services are fit-for-purpose and match the description provided, as per the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA). Support or replacement of services is negotiated with each participant.
BUMU SERVICES provides proof of financial transactions to the participant or their advocate, as requested.
BUMU SERVICES will not undertake unfair treatment or take advantage of participants. Examples of this include: ● providing services or expending funds contrary to a participant\'s approved plan ● asking for or accepting any additional fees for providing a service ● offering inducements or rewards that have no particular link to a person\'s NDIS Plan and that could be perceived to encourage participants to take up or continue with your organisation or a particular service option ● engaging in high-pressure sales tactics.