Latest news.
29 May 2019
One of the regular questions we are asked here at Leap in! HQ is what happens if I spend my NDIS funding early?
Running out of money can be stressful. The NDIA won’t usually approve an increase in funding if you have run out of money because you...
16 May 2019
This is the second story in our series about allied health professionals and how they can help you. In our first story, we looked at the role of Speech therapists: what they do and how they can help you.Today, we’ll take a look at occupational...
09 May 2019
A topic that seems to attract a lot of interest for people with Down Syndrome is making decisions.
Today, we’d like to share a new resource from Down Syndrome Australia designed to support people with Down Syndrome to be involved in making...
07 May 2019
One of the things we get asked a lot of questions about here at Leap in! HQ is service agreements.
Service agreements are an important aspect of implementing your NDIS Plan because they set out how and when you receive supports from a service...
02 May 2019
Here at Leap in! HQ, we often get asked about the various types of allied health professionals and what they can do to help you.
Our crew have regular contact with many different allied health professionals, so we thought you might be interested in ...
30 April 2019
Preparing for your first NDIS meeting (or even a Plan Review meeting) can be overwhelming and we completely understand. There is a lot to prepare and think through.
Luckily, our team here at Leap in! HQ can help get you started with a free...
23 April 2019
We are often asked questions about specific supports and whether they are funded through the NDIS.
One specific support that we were asked about this week is prosthetic limbs, so we thought we’d outline some of the key information and share it with ...
10 April 2019
Here at Leap in! HQ, we understand that grasping all the ins-and-outs of the NDIS can be confusing. The good news is you’re not alone and we’re here to help!
Today we thought we would bust some of the common myths we hear about plan management...