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16 December 2021

Changes to SIL and a new approach to NDIS home and living supports.

When it comes to home and living, some changes are underway in the NDIS, including how Supported Independent Living is delivered.

We recently joined a webinar about the new approach to home and living to discover what’s happening and what we can expect to see over the next 12 months.

Read on for all the latest information.


The new approach to home and living.

The NDIS is working to improve housing and home-based support so that there’s an option to suit everyone. The term “home and living” covers a range of home-based supports including:

If you have a goal to explore home and living options (such as to live independently) or a change in circumstances, you’ll need to complete a Home and Living Supports Request form.

The information on the form will be considered with other information such as assessments, allied health professional reports and daily support needs to determine home and living supports that may help you to achieve your goals.


High intensity supports.

The NDIS will review supporting documentation to determine if higher intensity SIL supports are reasonable and necessary. As a guide, people who need intensive positive behavioural support once per shift may be more likely to receive higher intensity supports.


Continuation of supports.

If you have had SIL approved in your previous plan and there is no change to your support needs, you will continue to receive the same supports in your next plan.

SIL funding will automatically be adjusted to reflect any market changes that impact your SIL plan value, such as indexation or changes to pricing arrangement and price limits.

Unscheduled reviews may occur to ensure the amount of support provided remains reasonable and necessary.


SIL and support coordinators.

Everyone who receives SIL also receives funding for a support coordinator in their NDIS Plan. Support coordinators can help you explore housing options, support you to complete Home and Living Applications and assist you in implementing and monitoring your plan.


Other key information 

  •   The NDIA no longer has SIL reassessments. If you believe there has been a wrong decision, you can request an internal review within three months of new plan approval.
  •   If you would like additional or different supports for an already approved plan, you now need to request a Plan Review.
  •   If your needs change, you can ask the NDIA to review your plan by completing a change of circumstances form.
  •   You only usually need to give the NDIS one Roster of Care. If your support needs have not changed, the same support will continue in your next plan.
  •   The NDIA will inform support coordinators and SIL providers of SIL decisions.
  •   All requests and supporting documentation for Home and Living supports as well as Plan Review requests should be sent to enquiries@ndis.gov.au.


Supports for participants who live together.

Have you ever wondered why people on the NDIS who live together don’t necessarily receive the same package? That’s because the NDIS provides individualised funding packages and tailors the amount of SIL funding you receive to your needs.


More information about Supported Independent Living.

The NDIA has released a new operational guideline for SIL. For more information about SIL, download the free Leap in! ebook Supported Independent Living: Achieving your goal to live independently.


How Leap in! can help you make the most of your NDIS Plan.

Our experienced plan managers are here to answer your questions and provide support. Our award-winning plan management app makes it easy to manage your NDIS funding in real time, keep your spending on track and get alerts when you are underspending or overspending in any budget.

Call us on 1300 05 78 78 or sign up to Leap in! plan management today.


Further reading

What is Supported Independent Living? Plus how to get your FREE SIL ebook.

Budget categories explained: Improved Daily Living

Supported Independent Living Update.