Teenage boy smiling joyously holding hands with a physical therapist
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02 July 2024

New NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.

Key points:

  • There is a new guide for NDIS pricing arrangements and limits, effective 1 July 2024.
  • NDIS Plans will be indexed (increased) to reflect the price increases where needed.
  • The NDIS has adjusted the short-notice cancellation period for most* NDIS supports to two clear business days.


Yesterday was the start of a new financial year and along with that came some changes to NDIS pricing. The NDIS has released an update to its pricing limits guide which took effect 1 July 2024.

NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (PAPL) explains how price controls for supports and services work in the NDIS. This was previously called the Pricing Guide.

Below is a brief summary of some of the most important changes for people on the NDIS and providers.


NDIS Plans indexed to reflect price changes.

NDIS Plans will be increased this month to align with the new changes. That means you will likely see an increase in funding for some items from 13 July.

This will be done automatically by the NDIS. There is nothing you need to do.


Increased price limits for some professional supports.

The NDIS has increased the price limits for psychologists, nurses and behaviour supports by 3.9% based on increases to wages and the cost of living.

Other therapy price limits have not changed.


Support coordination, plan management and psychosocial recovery coaching.

Some prices have changed due to an increase in the minimum wage by the Fair Work Commission, while others have remained the same.

  • Price limits for Level 1 support coordination and Psychosocial recovery services have increased
  • There are no changes to price caps for plan management or support coordination Levels 2 and 3.


Changes to short-notice cancellation periods.

The seven day cancellation period has been a hot topic of discussion in recent government NDIS reviews due to its high cost. Where a person on the NDIS cancels an appointment at short notice or does not show up, a provider could at times claim up to 100% of the agreed fee (subject to terms and conditions).

The NDIS has adjusted the short-notice cancellation period for most supports such as allied health and therapy supports to 2 clear business days. This was previously 7 days. Providers can choose to waive the fee at their discretion.

The full 7 day cancellation period may be applicable for disability support workers who meet the requirements as per the pricing arrangements, including having a 7 day cancellation period in writing in a service agreement

It’s important to be aware of the required cancellation period for each of your providers.


Group and centre based social and community participation supports.

The transitional pricing arrangements for Group and centre based social and community participation supports ended on 31 December 2023. The new pricing arrangements must be used from 1 January 2024.

The pricing changes may require some participants to enter new service agreements or update their schedule of supports.


New Assistive technology, home modifications and consumables code guide.

A new Assistive technology, home modifications and consumables code guide came into effect on 1 July 2024.

The new guide clarifies pricing and payments for subscription services and explains how pre-payments and co-payments work for AT and other related items.


Temporary transformation payments (TTP) have ended.

The temporary transformation payment (TTP) for disability support worker-related supports ended on 1 July 2024. Providers can no longer claim the TTP loading for services delivered on or after this date.

For claims related to TTP services delivered before 1 July 2024, refer to the Legacy Support items tab of the Support Catalogue.


More detailed pricing review.

The NDIS is undergoing a more detailed pricing review that is expected to result in a new pricing approach and structure by 2025. More details will be available later this year.

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