The Federal Government has launched an Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The review aims to put people with disability back at the centre of the scheme and restore trust, confidence and pride in the NDIS.
It is hoped the outcome will be to improve the wellbeing of Australians with disability and ensure the scheme’s sustainability so that future generations receive the benefit of the NDIS.
Co-designed with people with disability.
NDIS Minister Bill Shorten MP said the review would be co-designed directly with participants, carers and their families, and providers and workers.
“It will apply best-practice policy design that supports people with disability through genuine engagement and co-design with people with a lived experience,” he said.
The Independent Review Panel comprises Co-Chairs Professor Bruce Bonyhady AM and Ms Lisa Paul AO PSM and Panel Members Mr Kevin Cocks AM, Ms Judy Brewer AO, Dr Stephen King, Mr Dougie Herd and Ms Kirsten Deane OAM.
What does the review cover?
The review involves two parts, as outlined in the terms of reference, summarised below.
Part 1 will examine the design, operation and sustainability of the scheme.
This includes making findings and recommendations on the following:
- Participant experience, including access, planning and review and timing of decisions
- Effectiveness and sustainability, including community connections, early childhood, social and economic benefits and long-term financial sustainability
- Ways to better ensure delivery of value
- Interactions between the NDIS and other systems.
Part 2 will analyse ways to build a more responsive, supportive, and sustainable market and workforce.
This includes making findings and recommendations on the following:
- Fostering a market where providers invest, grow and improve outcomes for participants
- Pricing and payment system improvement
- Improving access to supports in regional, remote and very remote communities
- Attracting, building and retaining a capable workforce
- Ensuring adequate supply of appropriate and cost-effective accommodation and supports
- Improving information, monitoring, compliance and reporting.
10 years of the NDIS: Why a review now?
NDIS Minister Bill Shorten said the government wanted “to make sure that our national disability safety net is strong and responsive, generous and reasonable. We want it to do what it’s meant to do – to provide choice and control for people with disability.”
This new review will consider the findings of any previous evaluations, even if they were not acted on previously.
“It will take into account all the existing evidence about the schemes problems and potential solutions,” Mr Shorten said.
“The NDIS Review will examine the market and workforce opportunities to break down barriers that prevent people with disability from achieving their life goals and participating in social and economic life.”
[Image description: Two young women viewing a computer screen doing research.]
Seeking diverse and varied contributions.
The review is broad and stakeholders will be able to contribute in many ways. The panel would like to hear from:
- NDIS participants, their families and carers
- Disability representative and carer organisations
- Disability workers
- Disability providers
- The wider community.
The panel will consider the individual needs of people with disability including people who have complex communication and support needs.
A diverse range of perspectives is sought including from First Nations participants and participants with a range of lived experiences including in relation to gender, culture, socio-economic status, age and sexuality.
“I encourage the whole community to contribute to this process so that we can collectively build a stronger system that supports and empowers people with disability,” said Mr Shorten.
Want to know more?
More information is available on the Review website. Details about how to get involved will be available soon. In the meantime, you can subscribe at the following link for an invitation
The final report will be completed by October 2023. However, the government has committed to earlier implementation of any interim recommendations.
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Further reading
Your complete guide to the NDIS changes.