What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national scheme that revolutionises the way people with disabilities get the supports and services needed to achieve their goals.

With more choice and control over how, when and where supports are provided, the NDIS puts you at the centre of the decision-making process about your life.

The NDIS provides funding for “reasonable and necessarysupports for people with permanent and significant disability. Any item purchased with NDIS funding must be directly connected to the impairment that gains you entry to the scheme and be considered an NDIS support.

You decide how supports will help you achieve your goals in areas such as independence, community involvement, education and employment.

Cheerful young boy with muscular dystrophy in his bedroom, using powered wheelchair, mother and father smiling and watching in the background
Cheerful young boy with muscular dystrophy in his bedroom, using powered wheelchair, mother and father smiling and watching in the background

Benefits of the NDIS.

The NDIS takes a lifetime approach, supporting you today and for the future, with a focus on improving outcomes throughout your life.

It can provide you with funding for NDIS supports and services as well as connect you to information and supports provided by other organisations and government agencies.

  • Financial help to cover some of the additional costs associated with your disability
  • Choice and control over the supports you get and how you spend your NDIS funds (purchases must meet the NDIS guidelines)
  • Built in flexibility means the supports you get can change depending on your needs
  • A national system that is now available in every state and territory
  • An NDIS Plan based on your specific needs.

How does the NDIS work?

For eligible participants, the NDIS provides a plan with funding split across several different categories. The funding is intended to support your disability needs and help you achieve your goals.

Here’s a brief overview of the steps you might go through to access NDIS funding:

  1. Check eligibility. Contact the NDIS by phone on 1800 800 110 so you can be connected with an NDIS partner. The partner can help you to apply if you’re likely to be eligible
  2. Apply for the NDIS (called an “access request”)
  3. NDIS accepts or rejects your application
  4. Prepare for your first NDIS Plan meeting
  5. Meet with a planner to create your NDIS Plan. This is when you need to ask for plan management
  6. Receive your NDIS Plan
  7. Choose a plan manager if you’ve asked for one
  8. Review your plan

The NDIS works with you to develop an NDIS Plan which outlines your goals and the types of support you need. Your plan may go for one year or longer, depending on the types of goals you have and how often your support needs are likely to change.

Funding is split into four categories. Some funding can be used flexibly and without a quote while other funding requires a quote and must be spent on the specific item outlined in your NDIS Plan.

IS NDIS funding means tested?

Assistance from the NDIS is not means tested, which means the value of your assets isn’t taken into account when determining eligibility. NDIS funding does not impact income support such as the Disability Support Pension or Carer Allowance.

Who manages the NDIS?

The NDIS is administered throughout Australia by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), an independent statutory authority set up to implement the NDIS.

Unspent funding and plan renewals.

One key thing to remember is that any unspent funds in your NDIS Plan don’t roll over when your plan ends. It’s important to use your funding effectively to achieve your goals.

Supports outside your NDIS Plan.

Not all supports will come from your NDIS Plan. Both community and mainstream supports play vital roles in supporting your wellbeing and inclusion. The NDIS encourages and facilitates your access to these supports, ensuring they complement the funded supports in your NDIS Plan. 

  • Foundational supports: In addition to the supports provided through your NDIS Plan, the Australian Government is introducing foundational supports. These are new, non-NDIS supports designed for people with disability, including those not eligible for the NDIS.
  • Community supports: Activities, programs, and services provided by local clubs, groups, and organisations that are open to everyone in the community. 
  • Mainstream supports: Services provided by government and non-government organisations that are available to everyone in the general population

How to make a complaint?

External complaints bodies.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

Postal address: NDIS Commission Feedback, PO Box 210, Penrith NSW 2750
Phone: 1800 035 544 or TTY 133 677
Email: contactcentre@ndiscommission.gov.au
Web: https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/participants/complaints

National Disability Insurance Agency 

Postal Address: GOP Box 700, Canberra ACT 2601
Phone: 1800 800 110
Email: feedback@ndis.gov.au

Commonwealth Ombudsman 

Postal Address: GPO Box 442, Canberra ACT 2601
Complaints hotline: 1300 362 072
Email: ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.au
Web: http://ombudsman.gov.au