NDIS budget categories: Improved Learning

Is your goal to learn a new skill or get a qualification? Whether you’re about to complete high school or want to do some study to help you get a job, the NDIS may be able to help. Furthering your education can open up exciting employment opportunities and build confidence. But how can the NDIS

Your guide to the latest updates from the NDIS.

Here at Leap in! HQ, we like to keep you up-to-date with the latest information about the NDIS. Today, we are sharing all the important details from the most recent NDIS quarterly report, plus a couple of key changes you need to know about. Highlights: Draft NDIS Plan Summaries will be introduced from April The

Speech and language therapy: What will the NDIS fund?

A child and his speech therapist are working together to make lip shapes and sounds.
Speech and language skills are essential for learning, understanding and communicating. Challenges with speech and language can make it difficult for some children and adults with a disability to communicate effectively. This can affect their ability to reach their potential. Today, we’ll explore how the NDIS can help. About speech and language therapy. Speech and

NDIS budget category focus: Improved Health and Wellbeing.

Everyone has different goals they want to achieve, that’s why no two NDIS Plans are the same. Whether you’re wanting to learn about nutrition, cook healthier meals or improve your fitness, your NDIS Plan can help you to achieve this! By choosing to live a healthier lifestyle you can improve your energy levels, mood, fitness,

Psychologists: What they do and how they can help you.

Psychologists can be an important source of mental health support for people with a disability. Today, we continue our series on allied health professionals and how they can help by looking at psychologists. For a quick recap on other allied health professionals, check out: Physiotherapists Occupational therapists Dietitians What does a psychologist do? Psychologists are

Positive behaviour support for people with autism.

Here at Leap in! we have a diverse range of members with their own individual needs. For those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), finding strategies to manage behaviour can be one of those needs and we're often asked specific questions on how the NDIS can help. Today, we take a closer look at positive behaviour

Attending university: How the NDIS can help.

Are you thinking about attending university but need to know what kind of supports and funding are available to help you participate fully in your chosen course? The Leap in! Crew understand it can be tricky to get your head around what is and isn’t covered when it comes to higher education and the NDIS.

FAQs: Claims and how the NDIS works with providers and industry services.

Here at Leap in! HQ, we get asked a wide range of questions about the NDIS, including how the scheme works with other government and industry programs and funding. Below are some of the questions we get asked regularly (and also some that are a little more unusual)... Can I use my NDIS funds to