International Day of People with Disability: How to get involved.

Here at Leap in! HQ, we're privileged to see firsthand the important contributions that people with disabilities make in their communities every day – and we're celebrating! [Image description: The International Day of People with Disability logo to the left of the image is an navy symbol type shape of a person with blue orange and lime

How Compass is touching hearts and changing lives.

A non-profit organisation in Queensland is helping young people with disabilities and their families to dream… and achieve their dreams. Drawing on a foundation of martial arts, The Compass Institute offers education, skills-based training and vocational pathways for young people with intellectual and physical disabilities. Leap in! caught up with founder David Dangerfield to talk about Compass’

Highlights from the NDIS Annual Report 2019-2020

The team at Leap in! has created an easy to follow guide to help highlight the key information from the NDIS Annual Report for the 2019 – 2020 financial year. The Annual Report is an important document because it provides information about the previous year and goals for the year ahead. It includes information about

Preparing for your NDIS Plan meeting: The people who support you.

It can sometimes be difficult to know exactly how to prepare for your NDIS Plan meeting. But a little preparation will help you feel more confident about going into your meeting and means you won’t have to remember everything on the day. In the second story in our series on preparing for your plan meeting,

All Abilities Cricket set for summer.

A local cricket club in Queensland’s Moreton Bay area is launching an all abilities program to give kids with disabilities the opportunity to have a go at cricket. Cricket is one of the most popular sports in Australia but there is some way to go before kids with varied abilities have the same opportunities to

Can the NDIS support you if you want to start or grow your business?

Man holding a car wash broom
Do you dream of having your own business? Do you already own a business but feel as though you would like more support? New NDIS supports available from 1 July mean there are now more opportunities to get the help you need to develop a career pathway doing something you love. So if your NDIS

What does the law say?

This story is part of the Inclusive employment series. Equality of opportunity in employment is enshrined in federal and state legislation in Australia. Businesses that discriminate against a person in employment because of a disability may be breaking the law. This covers all aspects of employment, from recruitment through to career progression. Some basic familiarisation

Preparing your workplace to welcome people with disabilities.

This story is part of the Inclusive employment series.  Inclusive workplaces have been described in the Getting to equal report as the “next frontier of corporate social responsibility”. But how do you prepare for welcoming more diverse employees into your workforce and workplace? In this section, we consider a whole of business approach, the importance