Accessible Australia app.

A boy sits in his wheelchair holding an ipad while smiling at the camera.
Here at the Leap in! HQ we love technology. It’s always exciting to see the new resources that are being developed, especially those that are made to support and empower people with a disability. We know firsthand that online tools and mobile applications can make daily tasks faster, easier and can have a positive impact

FAQs: Gardens, lawn maintenance and house cleaning.

A man on a ride on mower is mowing a lawn in front of a house on a sunny and clear day.
Getting help around the house can be an important part of building independence and feeling like you have control of your life. Here at Leap in! HQ we get a lot of questions about how the NDIS works for gardens, lawn maintenance and house cleaning. Today we’re answering some of those questions and providing the

Kids and the NDIS: Fun holiday ideas

A child has his hand in front of his face which are covered in bright vibrant paint.
As the festive season draws nearer and children break for school holidays, many parents and carers are looking for fun and festive activities. The Leap in! Crew has put together a few ideas for arts and crafts projects and outdoor games that are sure to ignite the holiday spirit in kids (and adults) of all

NDIS stated supports: What are they and how do they work?

Woman sitting and smiling at a young man in a wheelchair
An NDIS Plan contains several different types of funding including funding allocated for specific purposes and amounts that can be spent more flexibly at your discretion. Stated supports are one type of funding we get asked a lot of questions about here at Leap in! HQ. So this week, we’re taking a look at what

Easy Christmas recipes for the holiday period.

There are so many fun and festive things to do over the holiday season. It’s a time to eat, drink and be merry, so the Leap in! Crew has put together a collection of easy recipes that you can prepare for your holiday get togethers or to enjoy on your own. Whether you’re planning a

What therapeutic supports will the NDIS fund?

Many NDIS participants will have some sort of therapeutic supports in their NDIS Plans. “Therapeutic supports” is a phrase that covers many types of supports delivered by a range of different providers. Collectively, therapeutic supports are those that help improve functional skills and independence. They’re supports that assist with all the activities of regular, daily

Using NDIS support workers who are self-employed contractors.

Here at Leap in! we are often asked whether NDIS participants can use sole traders or self-employed contractors as support workers. The simple answer is yes! However, this option is only available to some NDIS participants, depending on how you manage your NDIS Plan. Today we will take a look at the requirements for self-employed

Best of our free resources: Leap in! ebooks, guides and more.

Here at Leap in! we're a business driven by purpose. We put our Members first and our objective is to help people with disability live their best life. The Leap in! team has created a number of helpful resources that you, your family, and carers can use to understand the NDIS, manage your NDIS Plan,