As a valued Leap in! member, we wanted to personally update you on the evolving 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the steps we’re taking to ensure minimal disruption to service.
The health and safety of our members and staff is always our top priority. While the overall risk in Australia of contracting COVID-19 in the community remains low, we are mindful that it might impact you, your family members or your supports providers’ ability to deliver services.
At Leap in! we’ve been preparing our ongoing response and ensuring we have the latest information from health authorities.
Invoicing and NDIS claims.
Most importantly, we have plans in place to ensure that regardless of what happens with COVID-19, Leap in! is in a position to ensure that we are able to keep processing your provider invoices and any reimbursement claims you might send us.
As you may know, we have made sure that all of our technology systems are ‘in the cloud’ so that our plan managers can keep supporting you from anywhere. This means that if any of our staff need to self-isolate or we need to temporarily evacuate our offices, our whole team will still be working — they’ll just be doing it from home.
So far we have not had any advice from the NDIA in terms of changes to their claims assessment, approval and payment process. If there are any updates or changes to report, we will be sure to let you know.
Similarly, we will also be communicating with your providers so they are aware of our plans.
Keeping track of claims and payments.
As things evolve, you will still be able to utilise your Leap in! app on your mobile device and via our website. This will allow you to make sure you have visibility of your budgets and claims 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We understand that you may have further questions about where you can find additional information from health and government departments.
- For the latest medical advice and official reports on COVID-19 visit the Australian Department of Health COVID-19 web page.
- For the latest information and updates from the NDIS regarding COVID-19 visit the NDIS disaster response web page.
And if you have any questions about the health and safety measures we’re taking here at Leap in!, you can always call us on 1300 05 78 78.
Thanks again for choosing Leap in! as your NDIS plan manager. We really value having you as a member and will keep doing everything we can to ensure you have access to the best people and systems to make managing your NDIS Plan and budgets easy.
Yours sincerely,
Robyn & Andrew
Robyn Batten and Andrew Kiel
Leap in! Co-founders