A seven-year plan to improve the lives of autistic Australians has been announced by the federal government. This marks the first time our country has introduced a National Autism Strategy.
This strategy aims to create “a safe and inclusive society where all autistic people are supported and empowered to thrive”. It’s a big promise but also a major step towards meaningful change for a group that’s often undervalued or misunderstood.
A note on language.
After seeking input from our community, at Leap in! we’ve chosen to use ‘identity-first’ language when referring to autism and autistic people. We know there are different opinions on this, and we acknowledge and respect people’s individual preferences and right to choose how their identity is described.
Why do we need a National Autism Strategy?
By official estimates, around 290,000 Australians have an autism diagnosis. However, many experts believe that number could be much higher. Data consistently shows autistic people lag behind the general population in many life domains, such as employment, education and health.
Key stats.
- Autistic adults are six times more likely to be unemployed than people without disability
- Only 5% of autistic people hold a bachelor’s degree or higher qualification, compared with 35% of people without disability
- About 37% of current NDIS participants list autism as their primary diagnosis — the largest of any disability group.
Based on these figures, the National Autism Strategy aims to close the gap and remove structural barriers so autistic people can live fulfilling, self-determined lives.
Four key outcome areas.
The strategy focuses on 22 commitments across four pillars of reform.
1. Social inclusion.
Building a society that includes and celebrates autistic individuals for who they are. That can mean more sensory-friendly public venues, autism-aware workplaces and better community education.
2. Economic inclusion.
Helping autistic people secure and maintain employment or start a business if they prefer. Commitments include supporting employers to hire and retain autistic employees, making recruitment processes more accessible and ensuring workplace modifications are readily available.
3. Diagnosis, services and supports.
Exploring ways to improve access to timely and affordable autism diagnoses. Once diagnosed, getting the right mix of services and therapy is crucial — whether through the NDIS or other avenues. The strategy also notes the importance of consistent, neurodiversity-affirming supports that respect each person’s strengths and goals.
4. Health and mental health.
Addressing health disparities among autistic people via a separate National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People (the Autism Health Roadmap). This roadmap isn’t finalised yet, but it will tackle issues like diagnostic delay and subpar mental health care.
What’s in it for you?
If you’re looking to explore new employment options, or simply live more comfortably in the world, the strategy highlights several points that may help.
- Employment boost: Employers will be encouraged (and given resources) to hire and retain autistic staff, leading to more diverse, supportive workplaces
- Accessible spaces: One of the commitments is to increase low-sensory, autism-friendly areas in the community such as quieter bank branches, calmer waiting rooms, or inclusive social events
- Improved diagnosis pathways: The government wants to make screening and assessment tools more accurate, affordable and widely available
- Peer-led and research-based resources: The government has pledged $42.3 million to implement the first phase of the strategy, which includes:
- $19.9 million (over four years) for a peer support program providing lived-experience knowledge and culturally tailored advice
- $12.2 million (over five years) to translate autism-related research into evidence-based tools and guidance for service providers and policymakers
- $3.7 million (over two years) to evaluate existing programs for improving the lives of autistic people
- $2.8 million (over four years) for a study to find the true prevalence of autism in Australia
- $915,000 (over two years) for new community awareness and education initiatives
- $445,000 (for 2025–26) to develop new pre- and post-diagnosis resources.
These actions taken together may result in more practical, lived-experience-informed tools for everyday life while also helping clarify just how many people identify as autistic in Australia. This data could lead to more targeted supports and a better understanding of the diverse ways autistic people experience the world.
Where to from here?
Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth describes the strategy as long overdue, noting that it’s only the first step. Actions are broken down into phases so the government can evaluate what actually works and then invest more in effective programs.
Want to know more?
If you’d like to delve deeper into Australia’s National Autism Strategy — how it works and what it might mean for you — here are some handy resources:
- Department of Social Services (DSS): National Autism Strategy overview. Get the full text of the strategy, read the first action plan and explore easy-read or Auslan versions
- Autistic people share their stories (DSS): Real-life experiences and perspectives on why the strategy matters
- ABC news coverage: Australia now has a national autism strategy. Here’s what’s in it and why it’s needed. An easy-to-read overview of the key reforms and what they mean
- Roadmap for health and mental health: Details are still emerging, but you can watch for updates about the National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People (the Autism Health Roadmap) on the DSS website.
This is just the start. As we learn and as the strategy starts to be implemented, we will keep you informed.