Paul Richard and other participants, hugging in front of a tree
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01 October 2024

Larapinta: End to End. A film exploring the dignity of risk.

Today, we take a look at Larapinta: End to End, a film that follows a team of Tasmanians, all with disability, over 17 days as they traverse one of Australia’s most rugged terrains.

The film explores the relationship between risk, personal growth and empowerment for people with disability. It challenges the notion that protecting people with disability from risk is always beneficial, suggesting it can sometimes lead to further marginalisation.

This project was conceived by Paul Pritchard, a professional mountaineer and advocate for disability awareness. Since acquiring a brain injury during a climb at the famous rock formation, The Totem Pole, in Tasmania, Paul has championed the concept of ‘dignity of risk’.

His personal journey has become an inspiration, as he continues to lead by example, undertaking challenging expeditions and advocating for the inclusion of people with disability in all facets of life.


Paul Pritchard’s story.

Paul’s life was transformed when a climbing accident left him with a brain injury, yet he believes it was the best thing that ever happened to him. In his Tedx talk, Dignity of Risk, Paul speaks about how the accident led him to deeply contemplate risk, not just in adventure but in everyday life for people with disability.

He highlights the importance of allowing individuals the agency to assess and manage risks for themselves, rather than being overly protected.

For Paul, the hardest part of his post-injury life was the inability to climb. Seven years of physical recovery culminated in him summiting Mount Kilimanjaro, a major personal achievement.

He has since led numerous expeditions, including cycling to Mount Everest and leading a team with disability on the Larapinta Trail.


The film’s message.

Larapinta: End to End highlights the achievements of people with disability, without portraying them as ‘superheroes or victims’. Paul emphasises that people with disability have the same aspirations as anyone else and, due to societal prejudice, are often more creative and adaptable.

The film encourages viewers to rethink their perceptions of risk and independence for people with disability. As Paul explains, decisions about risk are often taken away from people with disability, stripping them of their independence. His expeditions seek to change that narrative.


A lifelong advocate.

Paul’s passion for adventure has not diminished since his accident. He continues to push boundaries, advocating for the rights of people with disability to take risks and make their own choices. In 2008, Paul returned to The Totem Pole, the iconic climbing spot where his life changed forever. For his achievements, Paul was awarded the Australian Geographic Spirit of Adventure medal and was nominated for Australian of the Year.

With Larapinta: End to End, Paul and his team hope to inspire others and challenge societal expectations. As Paul says, “By taking risks we build resilience, courage, and increase our abilities to face the challenges that life will bring us.”

The film premiers today, 1 October, in Tasmania and has sold out!

Keep an eye out for other screenings on Paul’s website.

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