Using the Leap in! app to prepare for your NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment.

So, you’ve got the Leap in! app but do you know how it can help you manage your information, NDIS Plan and funding?
The free Leap in! app is the perfect place to securely store all your details, documents and goals in preparation for your NDIS plan or plan reassessment meeting.
Let’s explore how to set up your profile in the My Profile section and how you can use it to make the most of your NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment.
My Profile: All your personal information in one place.
All the information that you might need for your NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment is stored in My Profile. By keeping this section up to date, finding your details, health information, supports and goals will be easy.
Along with your NDIS plan meeting checklist, the following sections are accessed from My Profile (you can jump to each section using the links below):
About me.
This is where you can record all your personal details, add a photo or select an avatar to represent you (see Elton’s avatar below).
Along with your name, contact details and birthday, this section will hold your NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment date and NDIS number.
In addition to having all your information in one spot, completing these sections will help you access relevant information in other areas of the app.
Impact of your disability on your life.
An important part of your NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment will be discussing how your disability impacts areas of your life. The app makes it easy to break down the areas into:
- Daily Living/Self Care
- Communication
- Connecting with Others
- Learning
- Independence.
It’s helpful to think about your best days and your most challenging days. If you only focus on your good days, you may get an NDIS Plan that doesn’t provide for the supports you really need.
Ask yourself…
- What can I do independently?
- What do I need assistance with and why?
- What kind of assistance will help me achieve my goals?
- Is anything likely to change which will impact the assistance I need?
Quick tip: This is a big section and it’s possible you will be entering a lot of information. It’s easy to record your answers using the voice to text feature on your device. Look under ‘Settings’ to turn this on.
The more details you include, the better your chances of obtaining the budget you need to achieve your goals.
Favourite things.
The Favourite things section of the app gives you a chance to reflect on the things you enjoy doing and what you would like to learn or change.
This section is important as it helps your NDIA Planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC) get to know you better. It is also the first step to setting goals (more on goals below).
Health and wellbeing.
This is a great place for giving a thumbs-up to what’s going well with your health and wellbeing and recording what needs to be improved.
The app makes it easy to document areas requiring improvement such as:
- The impact of your disability on managing health-related issues
- Supports that may help you improve.
The Health related documents section is a great place to store assessments or statements from allied health professionals, doctors and support workers so all your important documents are together.
In the Home section you can quickly and easily record the type of home you live in, who you live with and whether you have any home modifications. Once these sections are completed, you will see a summary such as “I live in a house with my family. All up I live with 3 people.”
Top tip: Use this section to start thinking about possible goals and supports you might need, for example:
- Am I happy with where I live?
- Would I like to be more independent? (This might include how you can become more independent at your current home or perhaps move out of home.)
- Who helps me at home? Don’t forget to include family members or friends!
- How could I meet my goals with the help of paid supports or changes around the house?
This is where you keep all the details of the people who are important to you.
The Crew section can capture information about your family, friends, community groups, paid support workers, health professionals and anyone else who assists you.
Click on “Add crew” and complete all the fields such as the person’s name, organisation and relationship to you. Add their contact details such as phone number and email address so you can contact them if necessary.
Top tip: When you add crew members you can also invite them to see or contribute to sections of your profile. You can fully customise what each member of your crew can see such as access to your profile, documents or NDIS-related financial information.
Keeping track of your supports is made easy by this section of the app. Split into categories like ‘communication, ‘employment and ‘transport’, you can easily record all the details you need such as:
- Supports you use
- Days and times that you use each support
- Whether you want to keep, change or stop the support
- Crew members who deliver your supports
- The cost of each support.
The app prompts you to complete each step so you have a record of your current supports and those that will help you achieve your goals ready for your next NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment. Too easy!
The NDIS provides funding for supports that are reasonable and necessary, related to your disability and that help you live your best life.
Here at Leap in! HQ, members often tell us that they don’t know where to start with goal setting. That’s why we developed a handy resource inside the Leap in! app that has hundreds of different goal ideas.
Here’s how to use it:
- Go to the My Goals section of the app and select Add a new goal.
- On the Goal Detail page, enter your own goal or choose one of the options we have already included. Goals more relevant to you will appear if you have included your Life Stage and Disability in the About Me section (under My Profile).
- Save your goal and then use the supports section of the app to plan the supports you need to achieve that goal.
- Update your progress each step of the way.
Give yourself a big thumbs-up when you have completed your goal, then set your next goal.
See an example of the Goals section below:
My Plan Summary.
Once you have completed the My Profile section of the Leap in! app, you’ll be more prepared for your next NDIS plan meeting or plan reassessment with all your important information in one place.
Don’t forget to print your plan summary before your meeting. Go to the More section of the app, select My Plan Summary to print or share your summary via email. You can also find our handy NDIS Plan meeting checklist in this section.
If you need help with any aspect of the Leap in! app, call 1300 05 78 78 to speak with a member of the Leap in! Crew.
Do you need help understanding your NDIS Plan?
Call Leap in! to book your FREE Understand Your Plan Session with an expert plan manager.
- Get help you understand the funding in your NDIS plan
- Learn about the different budget categories
- Find out about the kinds of supports you can use
- Get tips and tricks about how the NDIS works.
It doesn’t matter if you’re self-managed, NDIA-managed or with another plan manager.
Call 1300 05 78 78 to make your booking today or click through to register your interest and we’ll call you!
Quick guides, checklists and info sheets.
The Leap in! collection of guides, forms, checklists and templates includes everything you might need on your NDIS journey.
Whether you’re just starting out and need a Leap in! Plan Management sign up form or NDIS Plan meeting checklist, we’ve got you covered.
Follow the link to view our L! app quick start guides for creating your profile, adding your budgets and finding providers near you.