- ABN 68846923225
- www.ipchealth.com.au
- 106 Station Rd, Deer Park, VIC 3023
IPC Health is one of the largest providers of community health services in Victoria.
Individuals through a single point of contact can connect to a full spectrum of care and support using consistent approaches including those of our partners.
They operate from six sites in Melbourne’s West and employ over 480 staff. IPC Health are committed to working with the rapidly growing areas of Melbourne’s middle and outer West, where population will grow by 400,000 in the coming 15 years. By year 2035, they anticipate that the total population served will be approximately 1.2 million.
They provide a diverse range of services to the community including:
- Medical (such as GPs, Nurses, Paediatric, Youth and Women’s Health, Diabetes Education)
- Dental
- Allied Health (such as Podiatry, Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Cardiac Rehabilitation)
- Psychosocial services such as Counselling, Gambler’s Help, and Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselling
- Aged Care services such as Home Care Packages
The team also work with communities to address and strengthen major contributors to wellbeing and quality of living, for example in the areas of family violence, child and family services, activity groups, health promotion and community strengthening.
IPC Health complies with a range of healthcare standards and is accredited accordingly by Quality, Innovation, Performance (QIP). They work to improve quality and seek to continuously improve all our services.