A woman with low vision is in a library spacce using her phone and smiling.
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05 April 2022

The NDIS, blindness and low vision.

For blind people and people with low vision who are eligible for the NDIS, the supports you receive can be life-changing. Today we explore how to access the NDIS if you are blind or have low vision and some of the supports the NDIS may fund.

For anyone already on the NDIS, we also provide details about getting your NDIS Plan and other communication in an accessible format.


NDIS – general eligibility.

While the generally accepted definitions of legal blindness and low vision in Australia are those provided by Vision Australia, the NDIS takes a different approach.

To be eligible for the NDIS, you need to meet both the eligibility requirements and disability requirements.

The disability requirements state that only people with a permanent and significant disability are eligible for the NDIS. We delve into a little more detail below.


The NDIS and permanent blindness or deafblindness.

People with some vision-related conditions called “List A conditions” may meet the NDIS disability requirements without further assessment.

This includes:

  • People who have permanent blindness in both eyes (diagnosed and assessed by an ophthalmologist)
  • People with deafblindness confirmed by ophthalmologist and audiologist and assessed as resulting in permanent and severe to total impairment of visual function and hearing.

Written evidence is required. For details, see Section 6 of the NDIS disability requirements information.


How to get your NDIS Plan in an accessible format.

Your NDIS Plan is available in a format that suits you, including:

  • Braille
  • Electronic text on CD
  • Large print
  • Audio on CD or USB.

Be sure to mention your preference at your plan or plan review meeting. The NDIS will send your accessible plan via email or post within seven working days.

If you recently had your plan approved and would like to request it in another format, speak with your planner, LAC or call the NDIS on 1800 800 110.[1]

You can also update your preferences in the myplace portal under “My contact details” > “How can the NDIS contact me?”.

You can also request the NDIS supply any other correspondence in your preferred format.

[Image description: A man is sitting on a couch reading braille next to a teenage girl. They are both smiling.]


Handy resources.

[1] NDIS, Creating your plan: your plan, other formats, accessed 21 March 2022.


Get in touch with Leap in!

The friendly Leap in! Crew are here to help you navigate the NDIS. We’re Australia’s leading NDIS plan manager and we’d love to speak with you about your life and whether plan manager might be right for you.

We have a number of accessible ways you can contact us.

Call us – 1300 05 78 78
TY/Voice Calls – 133 677
Speak & Listen – 1300 555 727
SMS Relay – 0423 677 767
Email – crew@leapin.com.au
Visit our website – leapin.com.au


Further reading

Will the NDIS fund an assistance animal?

NDIS eligibility: The basics.

Using smart technology to help you around the house.

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