Getting SIL in your NDIS Plan.


The NDIS will only approve an SIL funding package for you if SIL supports are considered reasonable and necessary for your individual needs. You must also be aged 18 or over to be eligible.


Man and a woman sitting on a park bench laughing


Some of the things that the NDIS considers when deciding if SIL is right for you are:

  • Your needs and circumstances
  • Your age (you must be over 18 to receive SIL supports)
  • Goals and preferences
  • Your independence, living skills and capacity building needs
  • If modifications to your home or assistive technology may increase your independence and safety
  • Relevant information, reports and assessments by health professionals and your other providers
  • If, due to your disability, you need significant person-to-person supports
  • Other home or living arrangements that might suit you
  • Value for money.

The process for obtaining SIL funding is quite complex which is why it should be considered a long-term goal.

Before starting the process, it can be helpful to make a list of all the supports you need – from when you wake up to when you go to sleep.


The process for getting SIL.


1. NDIS Plan meeting.

During your NDIS Plan meeting, you will work with your planner or local area coordinator (LAC) to identify your goals. If one of your goals is to live more independently, your LAC or planner will help identify the right supports for you.


2. SIL supports.

The planner will determine whether SIL supports may be reasonable and necessary to achieve your goals. They will consider evidence submitted and the help you need in your daily life. If SIL supports are not right for you, they may identify other supports that will help you achieve your goals to become more independent.


3. A Roster of Care (RoC) is developed.

A Roster of Care is like a timetable showing how supports will be shared across each member of the household over a typical week. It includes the number of hours and support workers each person will have each day, in 30 minute blocks. The Roster of Care can only be approved by the NDIA after you have signed a form to say you agree with it.


4. Roster of Care is assessed.

The NDIA will consider what reasonable and necessary support funding is appropriate based on your Roster of Care. They will check for changes to previous Rosters of Care, identify any errors and ensure costs do not exceed limits set by the NDIS Price Guide.


5. SIL budget is released.

Once the Roster of Care and your NDIS Plan are approved, the SIL budget is released into your plan and your SIL provider can claim funds for supports they provide. Note: If circumstances change, such as a person leaving the household, a new Roster of Care may be required. You can find out more about the process and access NDIS resources here.


Frequently asked questions.


What are SIL ratios and how do they work?

SIL Rosters of Care include a supporter to housemate ratio. This is the number of housemates per support worker for each item of support. For example, some supports may be provided individually (one support worker for you). That ratio would be 1:1.

Other supports might be shared with another person. For example, a support worker helping three people in the home prepare meals. That ratio would be 1:3.


What happens if one person moves out of a shared home with SIL funding?

The NDIA will review and make a decision about any changes to the SIL arrangement through the change of circumstances process. A new housemate may need to be found.


Can I put together my own SIL submission?

Yes! This is becoming more common especially if people own their homes or have found a home through a provider but want more flexibility. Putting together your own submission means you can choose who you live with and whether you live in a house or unit. You also have the freedom to customise the supports received and how they are delivered. Remember all support requests under your NDIS Plan must be ‘reasonable and necessary’.

You must also follow the required SIL submission process and use the NDIA SIL Roster of Care Submission Tool and Template.


I’m not ready for SIL yet but I want to live independently in the future. How can I prepare?

SIL is most likely to be included in an NDIS Plan where the person has a goal to live independently and has been working towards that goal for some time or has 24 hour support needs.

You may like to start setting smaller goals related to building independence and developing your skills in self-care, cooking or household chores. Your NDIS Capacity Building budget can support these goals.

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