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Cherry works with peo­ple to help them max­imise their indi­vid­ual potential. She does this by building a pos­i­tive rela­tion­ship in order to set up a safe secure place to explore abil­i­ties and any chal­lenges or con­cerns that may impact on achiev­ing goals and liv­ing a full and mean­ing­ful life. 

Work­ing with you, Cherry will cre­ate a plan on how to build capac­i­ty and deliv­er ther­a­py. To make sure there is a holis­tic under­stand­ing Woollybutt Specialist Services will con­sult, with con­sent, with oth­er impor­tant peo­ple such as fam­i­ly, friends, employ­ers or caregivers.

Cherry understands the rela­tion­ships between what peo­ple do, their health and their well-being, and works with you to help make every day liv­ing eas­i­er by man­aging ongo­ing symp­toms and pre­venting com­pli­ca­tions by:

  • Build­ing your knowl­edge and skills
  • Find­ing new ways of doing activities
  • Chang­ing the envi­ron­ment to suit your needs

Services include: 

Behav­iour Support

Woolly­butt Spe­cial­ist Ser­vices pro­vides behav­iour sup­port through a Pos­i­tive Behav­iour Sup­port frame­work. Sup­ports are pro­vid­ed for indi­vid­u­als who have a cog­ni­tive impair­ment to help them and their sig­nif­i­cant oth­ers devel­op and imple­ment pos­i­tive behav­iour sup­port strate­gies with the goal of reduc­ing behav­iours of concern.

This ser­vice includes func­tion­al behav­iour assess­ment and the devel­op­ment of plans, strate­gies and men­tor­ing to reduce behav­iours of concern.

Occu­pa­tion­al Therapy

Woolly­butt Spe­cial­ist Ser­vices offers occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­py assess­ment and goal-based inter­ven­tion. In par­tic­u­lar we are able to under­take func­tion­al assess­ments, assess­ment of activ­i­ties of dai­ly liv­ing, sen­so­ry assess­ments, skills devel­op­ment plans, risk assess­ment, and skills devel­op­ment plans.

Our organisation supports:

Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Young Adults

Diagnoses and conditions:

Acquired Brain Injury
ADHD and associated conditions
Autism and related conditions
Cerebral palsy
Deafness and hearing loss
Developmental delay
Down syndrome
Global development delay
Intellectual disability
Invisible Disability
Mental Health
Motor Neurone Disease
Multiple sclerosis
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Other sensory/speech
Other – physical
Physical Disability

Service types our organisation supports:

Assessment of home modification requirements
Behavioural assessment and support
Mobility & Orientation
Occupational therapy

Our locations:
