- ABN 73142461694
- NDIS Registered Provider
- www.rnlconstructions.com.au
- 1/12 Allworth Street, Northgate, QLD 4013
Our services include:
- Quality repairs
- Qualified trades and staff
- Causation reports
- Detailed quotes
- Painting and Decorating
- Plastering
- Demolition Open
- Class A Asbestos Removal
- Glazing
- Concreting
We are CM3 Certified and NDIS registered and our quality and OH&S systems are audited and compliant with today’s requirements servicing the level of information to comply with AS/NZ 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety and AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016 Quality Assurance.
Our company consists 24 direct employees and 80 subcontractor groups and 4 x administration staff who service the repair industry.
We are based in Brisbane and our coverage Area is Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich and surrounding western areas and Toowoomba.
Our organisation supports:
Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Young Adults
Service types our organisation supports:
Assessment of home modification requirements
Completion of home modifications (major)
Completion of home modifications (minor)
Our locations:
Brisbane - East
Brisbane - Inner City
Brisbane - North
Brisbane - South
Brisbane - West
Gold Coast
Logan - Beaudesert
Moreton Bay
Sunshine Coast