- ABN 15 758 634 137
- playtherapyaustralia.com
- 61 South Street, Fremantle, WA 6162
Play Therapy Advantage offer the following counselling services;
- Individual therapy services
- Group therapy services
- Family therapy services
The following is a list of outcomes expected:
- Decrease in behaviour
- Strengthening of the parent and child relationship
- Minimises placement breakdown for kids in fostercare
- Filial groups offer a support network for groups of parents
- A greater insight into a child’s world and experiences for parents/carers
- Provides opportunities for children to ‘tell their story’ in a safe way
- Increased school attendance
- Increase in concentration leading to improved academic achievement
- Less anxiety for parents and children
Our organisation supports:
Parents/Legal Guardians
Diagnoses and conditions:
ADHD and associated conditions
Autism and related conditions
Mental Health
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Service types our organisation supports:
Family counselling
Individual counselling
Other counselling
Play Therapy