- ABN 89053114419
- levelupdevelopment.com.au
- 75 Denney Street, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292
Level Up Development can:
- Assist with the implementation of your NDIS Plan
- Assist with review processes in the lead up to your review
- Research and assess disability service providers, helping you choose one that best suits your needs establishing supports
- Negotiate with disability providers on their services and price
- Provide financial advice and liaise with your plan manager on your behalf
- Arrange additional assessments to meet funding requirements
- Help to resolve any problems or issues related to the NDIS or NDIA
- Support you to have your NDIS plan reviewed in a timely manner
- Build your capacity to coordinate your supports and maintain relationships
- Assist you to understand your NDIS Plan and its budgets
- Explore permanent housing options
- Work towards achieving the goals that are important to you in your NDIS Plan
- Assist you to resolve points of crisis and develop capacity and resilience in your network
- Assist you in developing knowledge, experience and connections with the community and broader systems of support
- Work with you to understand plan funding and its purpose
- Coach, refine and reflect
Our organisation supports:
Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Young Adults
Diagnoses and conditions:
Autism and related conditions
Cerebral palsy
Deafness and hearing loss
Developmental delay
Down syndrome
Global development delay
Intellectual disability
Multiple sclerosis
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other psychosocial/psychiatric
Other sensory/speech
Other – physical
Vision Impairment / Blindness
Service types our organisation supports:
Community Connection
Support coordination
Our locations:
Hunter Valley