- ABN 77 638 834 599
- www.hecis.org.au
- 12 Stewart St, South Windsor, NSW 2756
NDIS Participant Plan Funded Program:
A Special Education Support teacher will work on a 1:1 basis with the child and in small groups, as is appropriate, (at the child care service,school, or home) on a regular basis, depending on the identified needs of the child, family and child care staff, being guided by the participant's plan goals.
Provides support and assistance to 'build capacity' with families, child care centre staff and others involved in the child's care and learning to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities to support the child in all areas of their life and their environment
Our organisation supports:
Diagnoses and conditions:
ADHD and associated conditions
Autism and related conditions
Developmental delay
Global development delay
Intellectual disability
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Service types our organisation supports:
Behavioural assessment and support
Skill development
Speech pathology
Our locations: