- ABN 16015948262
- hjtlftq.sites.looka.com
- 13 Tallaroon Street, Shailer Park, QLD 4128
At Bekki Gould we offer a range of services, mostly we like to cover the personal care side of things, so showers, hygiene, toileting, meal prep, shopping, cleaning, every day things. Spending time with our clients and offering respite so not only the clients can feel as though they get a break from there carers, but so their carers also get a break.
Our organisation supports:
Diagnoses and conditions:
Aged Care
Multiple sclerosis
Other – physical
Physical Disability
Service types our organisation supports:
Assistance in the community with daily activities
Assistance with household tasks
Community Connection
Community participation/inclusion
Domestic services
Meal preparation
Personal care
Respite (Day)
Support Independent Living
Our locations:
Brisbane - North
Brisbane - South
Logan - Beaudesert