• ABN 43 037 816 628
  • NDIS Registered Provider
  • www.acso.org.au
  • 1 Hoddle St, Richmond, VIC 3121
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Forensic Residential Services

24/7 specialist residential support in the community. ACSO operates eight forensic residential programs throughout Victoria to individuals with intellectual and cognitive disabilities who are engaged in the criminal justice system or at risk of engagement.

Case Work Services

Case management and outreach for individuals with cognitive/intellectual disabilities. Additionally, they are able to provide therapeutic treatment and criminal justice interventions, to individuals engaged with the justice system and subject to a range of orders including Community Corrections Orders, Parole, Detention and Supervision Orders and Supervised Treatment Orders.

Clinical Services

Positive behaviour support and therapeutic intervention. Clinical Services is staffed by specially trained psychologists, occupational therapists and behaviour support practitioners.  The ACSO  team provide direct client care and clinical oversight through intake, assessment, planning, treatment, implementation, as well as secondary consultation with other organisations. They specialise in the development of comprehensive behaviour assessments and forensic risk assessment and can offer training to providers supporting high risk persons in the community. 

Our organisation supports:

Culturally and linguistically diverse people
Young Adults

Diagnoses and conditions:

Intellectual disability
Mental Health
Other intellectual/learning conditions
Other psychosocial/psychiatric

Service types our organisation supports:

Behavioural assessment and support
Finding employment
Individual counselling
Occupational therapy
Other counselling
Skill development
Social work
Support coordination

Our locations:

Brisbane - Inner City
Melbourne - East
Melbourne - Inner City
Melbourne - North